Temora High School

Looking Toward the Goal

Telephone02 6977 1988


About our school

Temora High School (THS) has as its mission, to provide opportunities for all students to achieve excellence in academic, cultural, sporting and civic endeavours in an environment conducive to learning, teaching and friendship.

Temora High strives to meet the present and future needs of our students, in partnership with the community, providing varied and high quality educational programs characterised by effective teaching and learning.

THS caters for those students who are Gifted and Talented and for those requiring support for learning difficulties. Quality academic and vocational programs are available to meet the needs of all students.

We are tolerant and understanding of all students. We acknowledge that all students have rights, but expect them to recognise over time that they also have responsibilities to themselves, their peers, the staff, their parents and anyone else who is assisting them in their education.

Our strong place in the Public Education system stems from having a competent and dedicated staff as well as successful partnerships with and between students, parents, staff, ex-students and community members and organisations.

THS has a primary focus on learning which includes high expectations and a positive attitude to change. It is a school where students can and do achieve to their potential; a school which prepares students for their future lives. 

 Temora High students benefit from;

- Innovative teaching in well managed classrooms

- Committed teaching and support staff who are dedicated and caring

- Specialist tuition for individual enrichment and remediation programs

- A strong team of staff who run and assist in Welfare programs in advice and support for students

- A large array of study skills programs including junior & senior mentors

- Well defined uniform, welfare, behaviour and discipline policies with clearly defined outcomes in each course forming the basis of reporting to parents and students.

Temora High School draws students from Temora and the surrounding districts and has an established and productive relationship with its two feeder primary schools. It has an established reputation for academic and sporting achievement and plays an active role in the community. Special school programs exist to cater for the divergent needs of students. The school aims to develop in students: A sense of social responsibility, a caring attitude to others and confidence in social interaction; a sense of personal responsibility, self reliance and self esteem; and a sense of achievement by providing opportunities for all students to realise their potential in academic, sporting and cultural pursuits.

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