The Careers Adviser is responsible for all aspects of Careers Education including formal teaching programs, work experience, individual careers counselling, parent interviews and senior subject selection. The Careers Adviser's role is to help students find, and direct students to, information sources which may help them with their chosen career. The role is to help them with their decision making. The Careers Adviser liaises closely with TAFE personnel to implement and arrange courses for senior students. They maintain contact with universities, TAFE, private providers regarding availability of courses and training and with job agencies in order to provide students and their parents with up to date information on employment trends, financial assistance and apprenticeships/traineeships. Students should seek advice from the Careers Adviser when selecting subjects or electives. Parents/Carers are also welcome to discuss these selections. Students can seek assistance in compiling a resume and all components of job seeking. Parents and students can request interview times by appointment outside normal school hours.
Temora High School has a dedicated careers wesbite to assist students with tasks such as making resumes and career guideance. Students are given their own secure login. Parents can contact the Careers Advisor to organise a login.
Newsletters Newsletters are sent weekly. To register to receive the newsletters use the CONTACT US page on the mhscareers website or send an email to ron@mhscareers.comstating your name, email address, High School, whether you are a student or parent and the state(s) that you are registering for. |
Website Login on the home page to see the calendar and news for all Australia. Login: student or parent Password: 14cairns Go to "How to use mhscareers" under ABOUT US to see what else is on the website. |