Temora High School

Looking Toward the Goal

Telephone02 6977 1988



THS Library provides access to resources, technology and services that support and enrich the educational program of the school.


  • Before school:  8.30 am
  • Recess:  11:10-11.40 am
  • Lunch time:  1:40 pm–2:10 pm


  • Teacher Librarian – Mrs Patricia Willoughby
  • Library Assistant – Mrs Jess Miller (Tues-Thurs), Mrs Colleen Storm (Fri), Mrs Danielle Haigh (Mon)


Books to Borrow

There is a wide range of curriculum related print resources to assist students with research tasks and assessments.  For recreational reading there are popular youth fiction books for all tastes.  

A Kobo eReader

There are 24 Kobo eReaders and over 76 eBooks for students to borrow.


Temora High School has a number of Kobo ereaders available.


On-line Resources

  • World Book Online
  • ELES Study Skills Handbook




A laptop storage and charging cabinet houses 32 laptops that are available for senior student use during Private Study periods, Failsafe and senior classes booked into the Library.


Connected Classroom

The Library is the venue for staff professional development  and student acitivities via Video Conference. This equipment is regularly used by Year 7 Korean classes to interect with students at Daechung Middle School, Seoul, Korea.


Desktop Computers

There are 26 desktop computers available for students to access at all times. There are printing capabilities from these computers and they are also available for recreational use before school, at recess and during lunch times.



Lunchtime in the Library

The Library is open for students to use computers; read books; complete homework; borrow resources; play chess and card games before school, at recess and during lunch times.


Failsafe – A program designed to assist senior students with time management; assessment tasks, revision and exam preparation.

Failsafe is a specialised program conducted each Wednesday for Years 11 and 12 in the THS Library. Failsafe permits at least three hours each week for students to plan and manage their homework, assessments and revision. The Library acts as the base and each student is required to complete a diary booklet outlining their activities. As many senior students undertake VET and TAFE subjects on Wednesdays attendance is dependent on the student's subject selections. Those students unable to attend on the Wednesday are required to complete the Failsafe hours and booklet entries in their Private Study periods. Teachers are allocated to Failsafe to supervise and assist students with any course related difficulties.

 Senior students have access to the library and trained staff during supervised Private Study and Failsafe.

Year 10 students are trained by TAFE and assist targeted students from the junior school with both literacy and numeracy. Peer reading takes place during DEAR time in the library on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays 


New Resources

THS Library has a current and extensive range of resources that is continually being updated and revised. There is a high level of student reading and borrowing.